Thursday, September 23, 2010

Fwd: Redaction of Previously Dessimated Information

The letter from Cooper City regarding Candidate for District 1, David A. Nall, was received by this Blogger via e mail 9/23/10.

The reason: On Monday, Sept. 20th I requested copies of the criminal background checks on the candidates running for City Commission seats in Districts 1, 2 and 3 at the November 2 election.

As the Cooper City letter states, David Nall was listed as having a criminal activity listed on his background check which was totally false and NOT pertaining to Candidate David A. Nall.

Although it was stated in the final paragraph that "it was absolutely never the intent of the City to discredit or embarrass Mr. Nall or any of the other candidates by providing inaccurate background information and a PUBLIC APOLOGY will be issued to Mr. Nall"

Will the City apologize to Mr. Nall's wife and high school age children for their distress? His Cooper City Family members?
His many friends?

This Blogger was deeply distressed upon reading that horribly inaccurate, erroneous report. Will the City apologize to me for being deeply, deeply upset at receiving this misinformation regarding a friend whom we knew could not be the person in the background check?

We can go back to the August Commission Meeting when Mayor Eisinger brought up the background checks and pushed to have them voted upon. She was absolutely determined to do criminal background checks. Residents at the meeting spoke out against them and the trouble an erroneous criminal background check could cause a candidate. She got her wish. Now, she should be the one who publicly apologizes to Mr. Nall, his family and the residents of Cooper City for another of her nasty ideas which were put into a Resoluution to use against any candidate in Cooper City. You notice they did not include Comm. de Jesus, Mayor Eisinger, Comm. Curran and Mazzolli?

Another example of a very poor decision made by Mayor Eisinger with backup from her three cronies: de Jesus, Curran and Mazzolli.

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