Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Thank you for your support!

Thank You Cooper City and the Cooper City Civic Group! I would like to personally give many thanks to you, your family and your friends for all of your past hard work and your current support for my 2014 re-election campaign. The support from 'The People' and business owner’s like you, will undoubtedly give us another overwhelming victory in keeping Cooper City 'Someplace Special'! The result is that I will again have the honor and distinction to continue to serve as your ‘Go To’ Commissioner in Cooper City!

With your perseverance, resources, friends, neighbors, donations, dedication, time and faith in me, you made our vision a reality, which is getting Cooper City back on the right track. I never could have done any of this up to this point without you, and your generous support.

Now, once again, I pray that I will be able to continue the work of The People in Cooper City. Just as I have always maintained, my primary focus remains on reducing the burden of government on small business owners, to fight the fraud, unnecessary spending, raising of taxes and waste at all levels of government that waste your hard earned taxpayer dollars, and to continue to positively lead our city in a direction, and to grow the entrepreneurial spirit that will improve our local economy and in turn, create more local jobs.

Cooper City still faces many challenges, but a new day has again come. Together, I know that we will continue to do great things with your support and your faith in my ability to lead us in a new and positive direction.

If there is anything you need or if you have any issues, please feel free to contact me, your ‘Go To’ commissioner.

Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart! And, THANK YOU for your vote and support on Tuesday, November 4th, 2014! The victory is YOURS!

Best regards,

Commissioner John Sims
(954) 445-6997

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