Please observe the cover picture: Indeed, there is a CLOUD over Cooper City! Whatever happened to the lovely scenes of Cooper City which we all enjoyed? Is it possible the clouds and rain depicted are a prediction of what is to come in Cooper City Government!
Page Two's "From the Desk of the Mayor" must have been written by a Ghost Writer in the Sky!
What ever happened to punctuation in sentences? Or, perhaps, we should say: "Doesn't anyone edit the articles written for The News and Views"? Or is the Big Secret in the title? "From the Desk..........? and not the Mayor and staff? If this magazine comes from the Desk then I should expect the lack of punctuation, poor grammar, word repetition, assumptions and statements which are not necessarily true or have no scientific value! Or sentences which appear to be just plain gibberish.
The paragraph, regarding the $22,000,000 left-over from 2009, succeeded, by word, hook or crook, to make that entire $22,000,000 disappear into the nether land of "reserves"!
This Blogger could not make $22.00 disappear as quickly as The Desk made that $22,000,000 an untouchable fund! Really?
In the paragraph regarding the Municipal Election change, why not tell us how much the City saves by having the election in November of "even" years rather than in March? "A significant savings" just does not answer the question.
Page 4, Public Works gives the specifics regarding their achievements in the past year. Although we would like to know exactly how much it cost to sod and over-seed the sports fields.
Page 5, The Building Department took the easy way out and used the article "What is a Green Building?"
This topic is a matter of discussion between the folks who are staunch believers and those who question the subject and want scientific answers to their questions. We are the folks who require more than Al Gore's books, speeches and movies to convince us of global warming. We are not certain global warming is a "scientific fact". Prove it!
Yes, we are concerned about our environment BUT prove what you are saying is truly scientific fact and not Al Gore's money making hot air!
Surely, in a magazine printed with our tax dollars and mailed to Cooper City residents and called "News and Views" one could find more of concern about our City to write than the topic on Page 5. What is happening in Monterra? How many homes are already occupied? How many under construction? What next for Monterra? How many building permits issued so far this year? Last year? When will the commercial portion be constructed?
Page 7. News from our Utilities Department: The family--friendly water conservation contest which ended recently between Reflections at Rock Creek and the Homes at Forest Lakes, was the first step in the water conservation program in Cooper City.
The Reflections of Rock Creek won the competition! Congratulations!
The Rebate Rebate Program has kicked off. Homeowners can receive rebates for installing water saving appliances in and out of their homes. Contact 954-798-1281 or for additional information.
Page 10. BE PREPARED! We do hope the residents read, save and keep nearby the information regarding Hurricane Preparation and After. This is invaluable information for every resident--no matter where you live in South Florida!
The above are our views, what are yours? Please Comment!
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