Quite a few residents attended tonight's Budget Hearing and spoke out positively against any increases.
Yes, you are correct, THEY VOTED FOR THE INCREASES!
Commissioner John Sims has consistantly, over the years, voted NO and did so tonight, however, the Mayor implied he didn't know what he was talking about! She is the wrong person to say John Sims doesn't know what he is talking about!
John had the courage to say it like it is: she and her lackeys told a half story to the residents to make us believe they HAVE TO INCREASE our taxes.
Mr. Ed Wooley and Mr. Walter Jolliff gave them facts and figures but the squirrel-like foursome chewed their acorns and did not listen! Ms. Marian Russell, who was an elected official and is very familiar with municipal budgets even told them how it works! They continued to chew!
Gladys Wilson did not go for the facts and figures but told them about the hundreds of residents who are out of work or under challenged, hundreds of residents with no money and little assistance out there for them and who don't have enough food for their families.
She also said that she inquired of Mr. Loucks, City Manager, whether there is any money in the Utility Assistance Program and received no reply. She said she just assumes there is no money in the fund and there are residents who need assistance with their water bills.
She also reminded them of the Elders, the chronically ill and others who live on fixed incomes and barely make it now without the additional taxes and fees as well as the higher health care costs, insurance rates, etc.
Sadly, the four squirrels sat up there chewing on their acorns, with no compassion for the residents who are in pain.
Why should they care about the residents, they got elected, Neal de Jesus is a lame (fat) duck gone on Nov. 2, the Mayor is also a sort of lame duck because she is term limited out of here in 2012. They are in it for their personal and political gain--to heck with you and me! They are looking out for Number One!
Your taxes and fees are going to increase! If you don't like it, please attend the Monday, September 27 Commission Meeting at 6 PM and speak out! This is a time when residents can help residents by supporting each other against higher taxes and fees!
The Cooper City Civic Group Meeting is Thursday, Sept. 16 at 7 PM at the Community Center. We invite everyone to attend and have the opportunity to meet Commissioner John Sims, candidates Abraham Rashid and David Nall. This is your opportunity to ask questions and get to know them
Everyone is welcome to attend and enjoy our informative and fun meetings.
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