This Blogger's perception of the remarks made by the Candidates tonight....WORDS...WORDS...WORDS.
As everyone might know, This Blogger has attended years and years of Candidates Nights and Candidates Forums....more than 24 years of them! Then following the elections, This Blogger has observed those same candidates who were elected to sit upon the dais. Very interesting!
Two very diverse groups were seated at the front of the auditorium:
1. The Candidates who are truly knowledgeable about what they spoke and
2. The Candidates who were truly unaware of, and had no knowledge about what they spoke, BUT did they ever speak!
Group No. 1. Commissioner John Sims, Candidates David Nall and Dan Barrett.
Commissioner Sims spoke from the heart and was passionate about the financial problems which he recognizes will face Cooper City in the next few years. He also mentioned how to solve those problems. He has had excellent business experience as an executive, in budgets, payroll, hiring and firing.
Candidate David Nall spoke specifically about the financial problems which face this City and offered ways to solve them through having more experienced financial men on the dais to work together in solving those problems to get Cooper City back into solvency. And the residents won't have to face higher taxes and fees each year!
He is a family man, volunteered to work and play with his children and the children of others through the Optimists, has a responsible and full time job in the financial field. He, like Comm. Sims, was specific and knows exactly about what he spoke.
Candidate Dan Barrett has also worked full time as an executive
in the corporate business world. He, too, is a financial man who has done the Budget routine, payrolls, through hard economic times and good economic times. He is fully knowledgeable in operating a successful and profitable business.
Then there is Group 2. The Group who used many, many words but absolutely NOTHING SPECIFIC in those words. Ms. Megna talked so fast that she really lost the listenener very quickly. She simply used WORDS.....WORDS.......WORDS that said NOTHING!
had no meaning in how they were used and described NOTHING concrete with regard to tthose serious financial problems facing the City. And, she works for a government entity not a private corporate business. Her current job pays her with our tax dollars.
Mr. Laufenberg uses WORDS as well. Many words. BUT NOT RELATING TO OR SPECIFIC ABOUT the financial problems of our City. His professional career has been in one field: real estate. Just how much does he know about Budgets, P & L reports, CAFR's? WORDS, WORDS, WORDS, many WORDS, do not provide us any detail regarding his knowledge or lack of knowledge in operating a City's financial department.
Why should he have to worry about that little old thing called Cooper City's under funded pension funds? Taxes which keep rising and fees which are illegally increased? He has Judy Stern and Debby Eisinger supporting him for his seat on the dais. If he knows and meets so many residents as he said, has he not heard about the Tax and Spend Mayor which Cooper City has? Has he not heard about the over 400 homes in foreclosure and yet he works in real estate? Has he not heard how unhappy the residents are at seeing their property taxes increased every year? What about jobs lost, underemployment? Little or no money in families to live a decent life in Cooper City?
And then there is Ms. Mallozzi! My gosh, she is a busy person attending all those meetings and holding all those positions in those meetings. Why did she not use the information which she claimed to learn at these meetings to improve life in Cooper City? We never heard one thing from her about all those meetings while she sat on the dais. Did she never learn anything which could be used by our City Finance Director to save our pensions? to save the cancelled shuttle bus for our residents? And, how hard is it to get a cross walk for our Seniors? She couldn't do it with all her meetings, could she?
AND, what about all those endorsements which she listed as received for her re-election to the Commission? It is this Blogger's opinion that endorsements are not worth the paper on which they are written if they cannot be used to help the City in some way. Our tax dollars spent for nothing for our benefit!
Can anyone name one thing achieved by Ms. Mallozzi while on the Commission which earned her all those endorsement?
Ms. Mallozzi's husband's paycheck comes from his working for a government and is tax dollars.
Mr. Green's job is WORDS! His job requires him to interact with the public. WORDS...WORDS...WORDS... Mr. Green's paycheck comes from our tax dollars by his working for the Government!
Mr. Green has never built a Budget from scratch, written a P & L Sheet bec ause the Federal government is not interested in profit or loss, after all, they just get more and more of our tax dollars!
His job is WORDS! not worrying about Cooper City's under funded pension funds like Comm. Sims, Mr. Nall and Mr. Barrett!
Ms. Megna, Mr. Laufenber and Mr. Green appeared at the Chamber of Commerce Candidates Forum BUT they did NOT appear at the Cooper City Civic Group's Candidates Night on Oct. 21. Was it fear, was it the lack of cameras and microphones? Or was it simply the disrespect of the folks at the Cooper City Civic Group? Disrespect which will be shown by them to the residents if they ever sit on the dais!
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