Wednesday, October 27, 2010

We respect your Right to Freedom of Speech BUT.....

Cooper City residents do respect everyone's Right to Free Speech BUT...

Outside the doors to the Cooper City Hall Auditorium, prior to the OCTOBER 26TH City Commission Meeting, stood a former City Commissioner passing out a printed page of absolute lies and lies by omission regarding a sitting Commissioner!

How very sad this person feels so disenfranchised that he would think he "should inform our residents" by way of this printed sheet of lies. Especially when this person, as a City Commissioner, was deeply involved in the "Drinking and Dining scandal" of just a few years ago. This is the scandal in which the present Mayor and the then Commissioners went out to eat and drink in order to become better acquainted! All this on the residents Tax Dollars, too! If he is so involved in "telling the truth", why did he not reveal this drinking and dining aspect of his Mayor and fellow Commissioners? Never a word until a reporter revealed the scandal on Channel 4!

His method of telling lies via a piece of printed paper is a definite display of the lack of character and integrity which we would expect from a former Commissioner.

THEN there is the person who gets up at the Open Meeting portion of the Commission Meetings and reads her litany of "right to free speech" denigrating and lying about a particular City Commissioner about whom she has very negative feelings. She is a "wanna be" Commissioner!

She feels she has to have a BSO Deputy to escort her to her vehicle following the Meetings. Actually, not a single resident would approach her because her lies and spewed vitriol could be turned upon them!

Elliot Kleiman and Diane Sori are not protected by the Freedom of Speech portion of the First Amendment because the Supreme Court has established that the First Amendment does NOT guarantee persons the right to communicate their views"at all times or in any manner that may be desired"!

The City Commissioner about whom they spew their vitriol is the only one who really does his homework and speaks with absolute knowledge of the topic at hand. He is the only Commissioner to whom the residents can go and then be assured their problem will be solved! Yes, our "Go To" Honorable Commissioner John Sims!

Just why do Diane Sori and Elliot Kleiman feel they must behave publicly like fools at election time? This entire scene is very sad and should never happen in Cooper City!

Commissioner Sims has been a fine representative of District 1 and he will continue to be so when he is re-elected on November 2.

Our Cooper City residents simply do not fall for the likes of Kleiman and Sori who show up at election time to attack!


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