Saturday, October 30, 2010

Cooper City Residents Better Not Sit This One Out!

After the 2008 City Election, residents sat back, did not attend Commission Meetings, were simply very complacent, after all, they had voted!


We have the same Mayor who is a TAX AND SPEND politician  who cares nothing about the residents' feelings, only how full our pocketbooks and wallets are at Budget Building Time.

You did not speak out or attend meetings while Debby Eisinger, Neal deJesus, Jamie Curran and Lisa Mallozzi abused the residents, took away our Freedom of Speech, denied us the freedoms to which we were always accustomed, cancelled services which we had always had, raised our taxes and fees to satisfy their huge appetite for spending money on their toys, travel, mileage, plane fares back and forth to Tallahassee saying they were "lobbying for us" while we paid $76,000 to Ron Book a professional lobbiest to work for us!  Our tax dollars paid for excessive cell phone and texting, excessive mileage for their vehicles, large numbers of bottled water and sodas for them, dinners and alcoholic drinks at the Broward League of Cities monthly dinner meetings.  The lack of transparency in our city government, suspected Sunshine Law violations, texting during meetings, expensive laptops for each one.  Hiring of friends, relatives and cronies at very high salaries!

Do you want to continue to permit this this high living  tax and spend lifestyle for the mayor and her cronies or do you want our city government to be operated professionally and responsibly  like a corporate business, do you want your voice back, your freedoms returned, services restored,  especially our BSO Dispatch Service, transparency in government so we know what is happening rather than having it all hidden from us?

Do you want to vote for Laufenberg who is a 20 year friend of the Mayor's who has no corporate experience, or Megna who keeps bragging about her Master's Degree in Library Science which has  nothing to do with City Government and her paycheck comes from our wallets--she works for the School Board!   Or Mr. Green, whose job is to speak well and handle people but knows nothing of the corporate world because he works for the Federal Government.  OR Comm. Lisa Mallozzi who has lied to us about her involvement in the incorrect background check and how she showed it  to and talked with residents in Embassy Lakes to denigrate and destroy  her opponent, David Nall without verifying that it was really an incorrect background check--turns out to be another person by the same name but NOT the same Social Security number as our David A. Nall!!  Mallozzi claims to "look out for the residents" but really had nothing to back that statement.  She claims to be fiscally conservative but voted YES on every Tax and Spend Budget except this year's because she was running for re-election and wanted to forget about her YES votes of the previous years.  She has no corporate business experience and knows nothing about our City Budget and how it operates!  Where is the very important character, integrity and  honesty?  Absent!

If you want your voice back, a responsible fiscally  sound Budget  and no more high living TAX and SPEND government, do the right thing:

VOTE, NOV. 2  Keep John Sims
                            Elect David A. Nall
                            Elect Daniel W. Barrett


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