Friday, October 1, 2010

Here she goes again......Mayor Eisinger getting into more trouble!

Yep, here she goes again...

Remember in 2008 how the Mayor helped Jamie Curran at every turn of his campaign to become her Elected Commissioner Buddy? Her "Yes man"?

Well, she is doing the same for Gary Laufenberg. This is real payback for him! She is "grooming" him!

He worked for her ex-brother-in-law in his title business. They got in over their head and the business went bankrupt and the former brother -in-law was dis-barred.

PAYBACK TIME: I will get you elected to the City Commission and you vote how I tell you and all will be well with your world. Just be my little patsy boy!

Debby Eisinger has known Gary Laufenberg for over 20 years. So, this is just business as usual for her. Remember, she forgot to tell us that she knew the Weiss Serota Law Firm which the City had just hired --until it was forced out of her! Nothing like putting your friends in high places, is there? Especially where big money is concerned. That is, the residents big money paid to her friends.

I digress: Mr. Laufenberg does not seem to have the slick talker appeal which she loves so she is walking the streets with him, knocking on doors to introduce him and assist him in selling his ability to be our Best City Commissioner.

Gee, Mr. Laufenberg announced to all at our last City Commission Meeting that he is running for City office while wearing a T shirt emblazoned with his name and District and begging for your vote. He began his "lengthy" list of Cooper City achievements starting by saying that he used to swim at the "swimming pool next to that building" pointing to the Community Center. I hate to burst his lying bubble BUT the swimming pool was located west of "that building" which did not exist when he said it did! The sequence: the pool was closed, the land filled and THEN "that building was constructed". AND, "that pool" was ALWAYS referred to as THE PLAY PATCH not the pool!

The Mayor was then reminded by another Commissioner as Laufenberg read on and on that THE RULE needed to be enforced: A candidate for City Office can ONLY announce his/her running for office and that is all. The Mayor finally acquiesced. At her reluctant request he stopped reading and took his seat. Not once did she mention that the political sign painted T shirt was not legal in City Hall during a Commission Meeting.

This Blogger had to remove a very small(1/2 inch diameter) political pin before I could speak. I guess I am not special to her like he is!

This Blogger says: If he can't be trusted to walk and campaign for himself, he can't be trusted by the residents when he sits up there next to her!

Mr. Laufenberg is the candidate who put his signs out months before it was legal to do so. He is also the one who has two signs on one property, in many places. On City property! Not legal. If he is ignoring the laws and rules now, what will he do as a City Commissioner and very close friend of the Mayor?

Know your candidates before you vote. Look for honesty, integrity, character, a great business background and experience. Mr. Laufenberg seems to fall very short in most those areas. Ask yourself, will he remain loyal to you, the resident? Or will he take his orders from the Mayor just like Jamie Curran? If he mimics Mr. Curran, then you will come out on the short end of the stick! and the long end on paying more and more increased taxes and fees! She is the Tax and Spend Mayor!

Vote November 2. Be certain to make your vote count--vote wisely!

Re-elect John Sims, elect Dan Barrett and David Nall. We cannot afford another Tax and Spend Commission!

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