Sunday, October 3, 2010

Seniors are a Part of Cooper City

To All Concerned Residents of Cooper City,

I learned today that Kathie Osborn, who has been with the City since Nov. 1, 2008, as Recreation Supervisor, at the Community Center has quit for another position which she says is "more suited to her training" In Sunrise.

She and Neal de Jesus coworkers at the Sheridan House are now both leaving. Any connection? I don't know!

As far as we know there are no plans to hire another person for the Seniors. Patti McGuire Williamson), the fulltime bus driver for the Shuttle bus which was cancelled July 8, has been kept on since the Shuttle was cancelled. I suppose this is the reason why. She is to take over "some of Kathie's duties". Which ones we do not know yet and probably will not be told!

What this means is the Seniors will not have a full time "Director" since Cindy Healy left and our participating population has dropped tremendously since 2008.

The Meals on Wheels Program, known to many and assisted financial by Ed Wooley and Walt Jolliff may be in jeopardy and another victim of fiscal arbitrariness. Sandy Miller, the Meals on Wheels program coordinator, was told that she needs to up the participation to 20 people per day. This is nearly impossible without help which has NOT been received from the City. I and others have kept the attendance at least 6 per day.

Why the suddenly need to increase more than three fold to 20 meals per day rather than the earlier mentioned 6 per day or they may have to shut down Cooper City's Meals on Wheels program? Just when Kathie Osborn is leaving? Sandy was advised that , "I hate to do it but we may have to close your program in Cooper City". That would mean Sandy an employee and resident of Cooper City would lose her much needed job!

It should be pointed out that NO help has been received from anyone at the Recreation Center or City Hall for any Senior Programs, trips or activities.

I had Emailed the city manager Bruce Loucks, Linda Good, Ken Richardson, and Kathie Osborne about a week ago to alert them to the Cooper City High School production of the play HAIRSPRAY. $10.00 per ticket. The Elders residents really enjoy that type of program. It is very inexpensive, easy to get to and a live play performance!

I have previously mentioned to Kathie about the idea of asking the Cooper City High School if the seniors could come to a dress rehearsal of their Band near Christmas when they prepare for their annual Concert. Again, easy to get to, cost is free, and the Elders would love it immensely.

My EMAILS HAVE BEEN IGNORED! Does City Hall suffer from email aversion?

The Summer camp program has all kinds of activities and an ample supply of employees as well as the NO School days and school vacation times. Most often the they use the City bus for all kinds of trips!

It is utterly contemptible how the recreation department has treated the Elder population in Cooper City. Their programs are few and "old hat", the same ones year after year. New suggestions are typically ignored!

The luncheons which they have each month cost us $3.00 per person and we have to take a "dish or dessert". Ray's and my lunch on that day exceeds $11.00 to $13.00! I make a fresh fruit bowl with honeydew, cantaloupe, watermelon, pineapple, strawberries and grapes. Sometimes the out of season fruit is not included. The folks love it. Sure, because they don't get it often and it is different from store-bought desserts or a can of green beans, store made potato salad or coleslaw. Ray and I have always done more than our share in order to really make it nice for others.

The Shuttle Bus has been cancelled and Mary Marchetta, who lives at Baffy Woods, a young 91 years, told me last Friday, she stays home on Saturdays now. She and others used to get on the bus and go have lunch and do some shopping. They are no longer able to do enjoy that outing. No bus service on Saturdays! So, they sit home contemplating their ‘Golden Years‘.

The City paid $450.00 for the July 28th SENIOR FORUM, conducted by Steven Person, reportedly from FIU. I had asked for a copy of his conclusions when it came to the City. I finally received a copy about 2 weeks ago after e-mailing several requests to the City. I can tell you one thing, if they paid that man for that report, then I am a monkey's uncle! Poor grammar, bad spelling, repeated phrases, my gosh, a 5th grader could have done a better job than he did. No letterhead, name and address typed on the sheet but no phone or email address or contact numbers. It is a joke, and a bad one at that.

I have been active at our Community Center for over 22 years and I know what they are doing; reducing the services for the Senior population (because nothing is of interest there) and probably others as well so that this will be a building which can go to the Broward School Board as well.

The Elders of this City should be treated better than this. We should be searching them out and offering proper activities, lunches, transportation and other functions etc., In the Same Manner as They do for all of the Other age groups.

Thank you for reading this message. This was said without a single naughty word, too! But I am just as passionate about our Seniors in Cooper City as I am about the taxes. I cannot in all good conscious sit by and let this situation continue! I seek your assistance as well.


Gladys Wilson

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